안녕하세요 :) 소신사장입니다. 드디어!! 가을이왔어요~~~ 8월 23일이 처서니까 다음주부턴 가을옷 입어도 된다는 의미죠 !! 이번 가을 옷 다~ 너무 ~…
안녕하세요 - 소신사장 입니다 :) 제가 가로수길에 거주한지 10년쯤 되는데요, 늘 자라 매장엔 사람이 북적북적 하더라구요. 특히 예쁘고 스타일 좋은…
My first ZARA haul in 2020! What I would wear out of quarantine 🌼 Download Shoptagr: https://www.clkmg.com/shoptagr_inc/KerinaWang05 ALL ITEMS LINKED…
Hi guys!! Here are some cute & comfy stay at home loungewear outfits that I've been wearing at home! Outfit…
10 lazy but still cute af outfit ideas for school!! All outfit deets below xx FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @stephanieahn…
11 CASUAL WINTER OUTFIT IDEAS. Tried to feature more affordable brands this time, as requested, and different styles so everyone…
9 WINTER GO TO CASUAL OUTFITS. WATCH MY FASHION NOVA HAUL HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVQQ2U_6uJ4 FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @stephanieahn (https://www.instagram.com/stephanieahn/) ------------------------------------------…
Links to clothing I wore: (Not sponsored by Zara or Topshop) Ripped Knit Turtleneck: https://go.zara/2zJasUj Plaid Coat: https://go.zara/2AUXXH5 Plaid Scarf:…
Outfit #1: Blazer: https://bit.ly/2qCR0Ve White Top: https://bit.ly/2PlNOMD Blue Jeans: https://bit.ly/2zF4VhS Boots: The one I wore is sold out, similar here:…
Here is a look at my recent Zara purchases, I hope you enjoy! Instagram: sarahhashcroft Knitted sleeve jumper: https://www.zara.com/uk/en/sweater-with-cable-knit-sleeves-p06873140.html?v1=7094525&v2=1074551 Oversized…
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