
牛油果穿搭|How to dress like an Avocado in Melbourne’s spring| Spring outfit Look Book

Hi everyone, it’s Jinnie here! Welcome to my Channel~ Spring in Australia is coming now~ What color will suit this…

3 years ago

【基尼太美】162cm 56kg|跟楊采鈺學穿搭|法式穿搭|復古穿搭|初秋穿搭|styling with Caiyu Yang | French Style | Chinese film star Hi Everyone, this is Jinnie~ This week let's learn how to wear french style with Caiyu Yang, a famous…

3 years ago

162cm 56kg|Sex and The City| Carrie Bradshaw’s Look Book| 欲望都市穿搭分享|看美劇學穿搭|復古穿|90‘s Vintage Lookbook

Hi everyone, it’s Jinnie here! Welcome to my Channel~ I am a huge fan of 【Sex and The City】!!! As…

3 years ago

恶女穿搭|How to wear leather jacket | leather blazer | How to look mature成熟大姐姐这该死的魅力|皮西装夹克穿搭分享|怎样穿显得成熟

Hi everyone, it’s Jinnie here! This week is about leather items outfit ideas, leather jackets, leather suits, etc.~ I am…

3 years ago

162cm 55kg|How to wear like a cutie pie| Sweet Girl Outfits Lookbook |甜美女孩秋冬穿搭|可愛女生穿搭|日常穿搭|秋冬穿搭|ootd

Hi My dear dear friends, it’s Jinnie here! Welcome to my Channel~ I really love the new Winter pieces from…

3 years ago

【基尼太美】How to wear Chinese Hanfu on daily basis| Chinese Hanfu daily Outfits|漢服|漢元素日常穿搭分享|日常穿漢服

Hello My Friends! This time I combined the Traditional Chinese clothing – Hanfu, with daily outfits to create a new…

3 years ago

How to wear Red | Red colour Outfits Look Book |時髦紅色系穿搭|162cm 55kg|穿搭分享|種草|Fashion Haul | Tips 2021

Hi everyone, it’s Jinnie here! Welcome to my Channel~ This time let’s fashion color RED! I always love red as…

3 years ago

【基尼太美】墨爾本冬季穿搭|162cm 55kg|怎麽穿顯瘦|Melbourne Winter|How to wear|Winter Fashion|

Hi everyone, it’s Jinnie here! Welcome to my Channel~ Melbourne's winter is here~ It's been super cold these days~ Let's…

3 years ago

Chinese Hanfu Outfit | 心動漢服挑戰|山澗小太平|遊園驚夢蕭美娘|瑤章亭荊棘花|漢服種草|漢服試穿|中國漢服|漢服|漢服文化|漢元素改良 |

中国汉服/汉元素第二弹 喜欢瑶章亭的请扣1 喜欢山涧的请扣2 喜欢游园惊梦的请扣3 我知道很多朋友开始关注我是因为我之前的汉服/汉元素分享视频,所以这次发片我压力真的好大啊!希望这期没有让大家失望~当然我有做的不当之处欢迎大家礼貌指正!只要是有道理的我都会积极听取大家的意见的!同时也谢谢大家始终如一的关注和支持!!! 我爱你们!!! 笔芯❤️ #种草大作战##心动汉服挑战##汉服种草##汉服试穿##瑶章亭##山涧##游园惊梦# Hi everyone, it’s Jinnie here! Welcome to my Channel~ Here are my…

3 years ago

Must Watch 2021|How to wear yellow color | Yellow Outfits | PANTONE Illuminating | 162cm 54kg|

是兄弟就來kaˇn我~ 這周拿來開刀的顏色是2021年度流行色亮麗黃(PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating) 小的時候特別不喜歡黃色,因為黃色招蜜蜂~年紀越發大了之後發現黃色真香~ 我本身是黃一白,塗點粉底穿黃色也不會顯黑~反而襯的整個人非常有精神~神采奕奕哈哈哈~ 這周還給大家分享了一些超級便宜的1688的小飾品,真的我這樣的省錢小能手還哪能找到第二個啊哈哈哈哈~趕緊關註我吧!!! 2021給自己來點黃色吧~ 為啥呢,因為黃色也是金子的顏色啊哈哈哈哈~ 下周見! 喜歡記得關註我呀~麽麽噠~ Here are my measurements as a reference: Height: 162cm…

3 years ago

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