Are REVOLVE clothes worth the $? I try on and review 20 outfits from REVOLVE ($30 to $250). Which ones…
안녕하세요 :) 소신사장입니다. 이번 영상은 동대문 봄신상과 자라의 봄신상을 본격 비교하는 룩북 입니다. 우리 동대문옷이 가장 빠르게 트렌드를 반영하고 (하루에…
25 casual outfit ideas for spring that are comfy and trendy! 🌼 ALL ITEMS LINKED BELOW ↓↓↓ 💕 JOIN THE…
안녕하세요 :) 누구나 갖고 있을만한 아이템으로 다양하게 코디하는 법을 알려드려요 ! 마스크써도 어색하지 않은 패션이랄까 - ㅜㅜ 코로나로 인해 봄이…
I dunno about you but I've stopped shopping for winter stuff and getting excited for Spring outfits!🌸Thanks NastyGal and AfterPay…
12 real life leggings/tights outfit ideas for those tired of wearing pants in the cold (me lol) 🤪 Wore these…
18 Date Night Outfit Ideas featuring a giant SHEIN try on haul! Get your cute and affordable Valentine's date night…
Hi friends! Hope you enjoy this casual winter outfits of the week video! Let me know if you like this…
Hey babes! Went to LA and vlogged what I wore everyday, outside, in the real world lol. Watch to see…
Hello lovelies! Here is this season's LookBook filled with girly everyday (or at least in my life) outfits! I will…
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