
outfits when you have “nOtHiNg tO wEaR” | simple looks that WORK

Closet full of clothes but having a "nothing to wear" moment? Here are some simplistic + easy looks that work…

3 years ago

my first time styling MODEST outfits, how did I do? 😬

it's my first time styling modest outfits so I have NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING. How did I do? After…

3 years ago

celebrity inspired outfits 🤍

OUTFITS LINKS HERE ➡ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2bQmv-g_8M recreations of Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez, Jennifer Lawerence! 💕 JOIN THE LOVE 💕 https://www.instagram.com/kerina.wang https://www.tiktok.com/@kerina.wang…

3 years ago

How to style basics into trendy + timeless outfits ✨ | spring must-have basics

How to turn basic pieces into trendy AND timeless looks! If you're bored of styling the same basic pieces /…

3 years ago

BEST SPRING JACKETS 2022 | try on + style

Rounding up 15 of the best jackets for Spring, ranging from casual to preppy to dressy to straight up badass.…

3 years ago

help me choose a spring outfit! 🌼 #shorts

OUTFITS LINK HERE ➡ https://kerinamango.com/help-me-choose-a-spring-outfit/ 💕 JOIN THE LOVE 💕 https://www.instagram.com/kerina.wang https://www.tiktok.com/@kerina.wang https://kerinamango.com/ #kerinawang #springoutfits

3 years ago

WORK OUTFIT IDEAS + tips ✨ What to Wear to the Office

👍 thumbs up if you're a MATERIAL GWORLLLLL 👍 LILYSILK: https://me.lilysilk.com/3oz9dS0 Best Seller: https://me.lilysilk.com/3v66sMd Extra 15% off LILYSILK everything coupon…

3 years ago

TRENDY SPRING OUTFITS 2022 🌺 casual to extra AF | Huge Spring Haul

I'm way too over-enthusiastic for this. SPRING OUTFITS finally ft. Clean girl aesthetic, casual, dressy, trendy, princess core! ↓ ↓…

3 years ago

HUGE SHEIN TRY-ON HAUL + discount code | Winter-Spring Outfits 2022

Like this video if you're so dun dun dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN with WINTER! 💜…

3 years ago

H&M try-on haul | 2022 FASHION TRENDS + how to style

what's a trend you will be rocking? ↓ ↓ ↓ Links, sizes, prices below ↓ ↓ ↓ 💕 JOIN THE…

3 years ago

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