Hello Lovelies! ♡ HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I have a new lookbook for you guys on outfit ideas for a date.…
Happy pink Wednesday lovelies! I am uploading a little late this week because I wanted to make sure this video…
Hello lovelies! This weeks video is a fun lookbook for going to a place we are pretty much all needing…
Hello lovelies! Sorry for being a little late this week - I’ve been editing the puppy video for my next…
Hello lovelies! I've been super excited for this week's video because I just love autumn outfit styling! I hope you…
Hello my lovelies! This week I have another clothing haul ~ Yay more fall shopping! I hope you guys like…
Hello lovelies! This is the first of MANY hauls to come! It is shopping season for me and I will…
Hello lovelies! This week I wanted to do a fun video and expand my mind with how I style my…
Hello lovelies, welcome back to my channel! 🤍 I don't know about you guys but it feels like August is…
Hello lovelies! This week I am doing another lookbook, in light of all the lounging that is being done this…
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